Thursday, 17 December 2015

Mount Erica Carpark Day 27 (part 2) to O'Shea's Mill and onto Walhalla. (Day 28)

Having been reduced to 87kg's I was pretty excited to see that Tim & Megan had brought some favourite foods for me; chocolate milk, pastries and a great idea I hadn't thought of....Sushi!

I inhale anything in front of me not only because it is fresh and new but because I have been starving for 2 days now.  We chatted at Mt Erica carpark for about an hour while we set up Megan's gear/pack.  In hindsight it was probably bad form on my part.  Here Tim has just driven from Melbourne to Walhalla (almost) to drop my wife off for me, he only chats with us for an hour then has to do the drive back.  Sorry buddy, should have paid you a little more props and hung out for a while longer.

Megan and I set off down the Mt Erica Road from the carpark towards where the trail re-enters the trees.  Its sunny, with a light breeze and I'm off to finish my adventure with the woman I do all my adventuring with; great day.

So far on this adventure I have only seen 3 snakes.  In the 4.6km from the road to O'Shea's Mill we see 3 more!  Good thing I'm out front to scare them away with my odour.  As we walk down to O'Shea's to camp for the night I am able to recount so many stories to Megan, filling her in on the outcomes I have identified thus far on the hike and comparing them to my expected outcomes.

Probably the biggest topic however is how bad I stink and the number of bugs/flies around.  I thought it was just me attracting the bugs, but in all reality there have been crazy bugs most of the way along the trail since Red Jacket.

Megan arriving at O'Shea's Mill Camp site

The photo above was about 3 minutes before Megan realised she had a leech in her sock and I had to burn if off!  Hehehehehehe....welcome they are saying!  We started a fire to get rid of the bugs and settled in on the abnormally tall picnic table to cook up some dinner.  The difficult part about O'Shea's Mill is that you are surrounded by massive trees and the whole site despite being grassed in on a fairly aggressive angle.  It is strange how these things bother me not that Megan is here.  Mount Tait was worse but I didn't care. Now I find myself trying to make Megan comfortable.....I think it is because I want her to see how awesome this all has been and join me next time!  So I'm running around a bit trying to make it seem perfect and awesome.  But really these bugs are hard to ignore an we are both sick of them.  We climb into the tent about 5:30pm and just chat.  I reminisce about camp here with Dad 3 yrs ago during the massive storm, thinking these trees are gonna come down!  I can't remember when we fell asleep but I know we both slept well.

The next morning, November 28 2015 is the day I will finish.  We head off about 7pm as we are not sure of the pace we will be doing and Tim, Tanya and their kids will be meeting us at 11am in Walhalla with our 3 little kids in tow.  Looking forward to seeing them.  I should remember to thank Tim for driving back down again!  2 trip to Walhalla in 2 days!  What a guy.

The trail out of O'Shea's to Thomson Valley Road crossing is as I remember it, not overgrown but rather grassy to the vegetation is constantly rubbing against you.  This morning is dry so its nothing but I remember climbing out in the rain last time and it just bogged you down into the trail.  Its a straight feeling walking together.  I'm not sure if we should be pushing to pace or slowing down and I find myself constantly concerned with Megan's comfort levels.  I continue to tell stories as we cross the Thomson Valley Road and start the endless descent to Poverty Point.  

The old 4x4 track is well cleared but very steep.  We slide down a couple times but enjoy the scenery and the Thomson River and surrounding mountains.

Rock Table along Thomson River cliff side

We decide to take our time as we believe we are making good time and there is no exact guarantee that Tim and Tanya haven't hit traffic or something and may be late.  I can vouch for the boredom involved in waiting at a road side for people to arrive in the middle of an adventure; yesterday at Mt Erica was so long.  We read the information signage around poverty point and marvel at the engineering and ingenuity of the men that would have built the bridge, take a couple happy snaps and continue towards Walhalla.  I feel like I should have Megan's photos on here but there have been few chances where other people have been able to take photos of me.....I'm kind of hogging the sense at the moment.

Alright........I'll chuck one in!

Although I remember the trail fairly well as we have done this with the kids as day hikes a number of times, I am pretty underwhelmed and the landscape.  With bush fires having burnt through the area a number of years back, the old burnt trees have been removed and a large amount of excavator works to the mountain side.  Its pretty baron compared to its former glory and I'm finding it difficult to be excited at seeing it.  

I think every blog about the Australian Alps Walking Track has a shot of Walhalla that looks about the same as this one..... it's the best place to take the shot so I'll add mine to the collection.

By this stage we are within 1km from Walhalla and I can't help myself.  I'm hiking my fast pace then having to wait for Meegs to catch up.  I can't believe I am here and can't wait to get to Walhalla and claim my End to End'er status.  As we come into Walhalla we can see and hear Tim and Tanya and all the kids playing in the park.  Tim has heard us Ewwing and Ahhing about seeing the kids and rapidly ushers them down the road to the rotunda.  I race own the steps and the kids come ring out of the rotunda.  Daddy's back.

What an experience.  To be here is surreal.  having never done a long distance hike before, my eyes must be the size of 2 cantaloupe.  We catch up briefly in the rotunda before heading into the Cafe to claim my certificate.  I heard they hand out and End to End certificate for this completing the AAWT.  The Cafe informs me that the guys at the Walhalla Star Hotel take care of these types of things.  I cross over and make my introduction.  They do not hand out certificates but what they do give you is an original blue Australian Alps trail marker.  Even cooler.

This is the end...............................................What a magical mountain range................................what a magical experience to have been out of the world for 28 days....................................who gets to spend 28 days with their thoughts.............................the places I have been, so exciting .......................... I am so grateful for the fun and adventure.

So whats next............................

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