In my lead up to what was meant to be the weekend before departing on the 38 day journey across the high country I had planned to have a hike with my 7 year old daughter "Bailey". For number of years I had been trying to catch up with Lukey and head down to Wilson Prom as he was adamant I'd love it.
So Luke & his daughter Ashley, Bailey & I went down even though I no longer had reason to have a good bye Bailey camp out. Both Bailey & Ashley carried a couple kilos in a back pack and the Dads took care of the rest. It was also the first time I had a chance to trial my new lightweight pack & tent. both Cuben fibre from Hyperlight Mountain Gear.
We did the Tidal river to Waterloo Bay track which is 17km one way and returned the next day on the same route. I look at it now some months later and sure I was down about not doing the AAWT, but watching my 7 year old work so hard to achieve somewhat of her own person best was really special. She had tears at times and she had plenty of laughs but at the end she loved it and she loved knowing that she could do the hard yards and feel accomplished at the end.
I'll leave you with a couple photos. Till the next adventure.
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