I remember growing up we would walk into the log cabins in the Mountains of Vermont at about midnight by torch light, or flash lights as we call them in Canada. My father, sister and I along with 4 or 5 uncles plus a couple cousins would pack up the gear and hike in the blackness of a early october night and if anyone heard anything remotely large moving in the bushes it was, " TORCHES OFF, SHHH, SHHH" as we all turned off our flash lights and looked at each other, not really sure if we should be scared or not.
30 seconds later, the possible threat had apparently left and we were okay to continue on our journey as no doubt the local wildlife continued to look at us as meals on heals. Of course the reality often was very disturbing as in the middle of the night, which of course was only hours later, while we were sleeping on hardwood bunk beds provided in solid log cabins we would feel the building moving. I remember one time the wall I was sleeping agains moved me as the bear on the other side of the wall was trying in indicate to me that he owned me and would appreciate it if I would save him some effort and just step out side for a chat! Dad would repeatedly assure us that the Bear is just scratching his back, I'm sure he was right.
And too be honest, bears have an unappreciated sense of humour. Often the following morning there would be a Bear pooh the size of a 8 year old boy, which at the time was about my size. I think he just wanted to show me who he ate last.
But thank goodness my 35 days in the Australian Alps won't have such menacing creatures. I just hope that the Wild Brumbies we come across aren't pen pals with this Red Hartebee! See attached link.
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